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BLOODTIME MOONTIME DREAMTIME is a poetic three-part documentary work by Emmy Award winning filmmaker, Roberta Cantow which recontextualizes the experience of menstruation, blood, creativity and power for women today. With stunning visual images, a haunting musical score, and an original approach, this work delves into the values of the ancient “wise woman” ways. As a whole, Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime provides a bird’s eye view of a culture within our culture which has begun to have influence over how women think and feel about their bodies and the earth and about personal and spiritual transformation. Combining notions of spirituality with the philosophy of the expressive arts movement and eco-feminism, this trilogy presents a landscape of women creatively engaged in the meaning making of their lives.

Together, the three parts provides a tapestry of contemporary ideas and practices that bespeak a need in the culture and in our times to invest our most elemental experiences of ‘life passage’ with new meanings. Touches on themes with interdisciplinary appeal to: women’s studies; contemporary ethnography; sociology; religion and spirituality; myth and ritual; culture and performance studies; depth psychology, expressive arts, etc.

Bloodtime: Claiming the Territory - (The meanings and metaphors of blood) (20:00)

Moontime: Celebrating the Blessing - (Honoring a girls' entrance into womanhood) (36:00) (Featuring interview with Laura Owen, author of Her Blood is Gold and others participants)

Dreamtime: Creating Art and Ritual (Art and Ritual as Transformative tools; Women as agents of change. (62:00) (Includes Ccommentary with Judith Greer Essex, PhD, Expressive Arts and artist, Helen Redman, among others)

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Honoring a girls' entrance into womanhood.


The meanings and metaphors of blood.