Browse Films
Showing 1 - 10 of 87 titles with a criteria of Subject is Human Rights Law
Exposé of the horrifying results of the 1996 immigration law.
Bullfrog Films | 2001 | 55 minutes
About Executing Eichmann
In 1961, Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for crimes against the Jewish people and against humanity. While this judgment was met with consensus on a national level, some spoke out against it.
Icarus Films | 2014 | 60 minutes
Lea Tsemel, an Israeli-Jewish lawyer who has represented Palestinian political prisoners for nearly 50 years, pushes the praxis of a human rights defender to its limits
GOOD DOCS | 2019 | 108 minutes
After Silence
Examines the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW II, and its relevance to post 9/11 America.
Bullfrog Films | 2003 | 30 minutes
All That I Am
The story of an extraordinarily courageous young woman on a path to recovery
GOOD DOCS | 2020 | 75 minutes
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
Bullfrog Films | 2019 | 74 minutes
America's Brutal Prisons
Exposes the violence occurring inside prisons throughout America, where prisoners are routinely abused, even tortured, by prison guards.
Icarus Films | 2005 | 48 minutes
Another Paradise
Fifty years ago the entire Creole population of the Chagos Islands was expelled by the British authorities. This secret operation took place in order to lease the largest island to the US Navy so that it could install a military base. Now Chagossian exiles embark on a struggle to return home.
Andana Films | 2019 | 82 minutes
The Apology
Former 'Comfort Women' who were forced to serve Japanese troops during World War II tell their harrowing stories.
Icarus Films | 2016 | 104 minutes
Blind Trust
Examines the lifetime work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.
Bullfrog Films | 2021 | 58 minutes